There are about 148.407 miles between San Jose, California and Morro Bay, California.
The driving distance from San Diego to Morro Bay, CA is about 325 miles.
The address of the Morro Bay Library is: 625 Harbor St., Morro Bay, 93442 1905
The shortest distance is 689 miles.
The address of the Historical Society Of Morro Bay is: Po Box 921, Morro Bay, CA 93443-0921
The address of the Morro Bay State Park is: 60 State Park Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442
The phone number of the Morro Bay Library is: 805-772-6394.
The address of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is: 835 Main St, Morro Bay, CA 93442-2117
the population of Morro Bay is 12,000 as of 2008
The web address of the Morro Bay State Park is:
The phone number of the Morro Bay State Park is: 805-772-2694.
The web address of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is:
The phone number of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is: 805-772-2504.