The driving distance from San Diego to Morro Bay, CA is about 325 miles.
The address of the Morro Bay Library is: 625 Harbor St., Morro Bay, 93442 1905
The shortest distance is 689 miles.
The address of the Historical Society Of Morro Bay is: Po Box 921, Morro Bay, CA 93443-0921
The address of the Morro Bay State Park is: 60 State Park Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442
The phone number of the Morro Bay Library is: 805-772-6394.
The address of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is: 835 Main St, Morro Bay, CA 93442-2117
the population of Morro Bay is 12,000 as of 2008
The web address of the Morro Bay State Park is:
The phone number of the Morro Bay State Park is: 805-772-2694.
The web address of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is:
The phone number of the Morro Bay Art Association Gallery is: 805-772-2504.