The distance between Perth and Kwinana is 37 kilometres.
The air distance between Hobart and Perth, Australia is 3020 km, or 1877 miles.
There is a distance of 9,208 miles between Vancouver Canada and Perth Australia. This is based the average flight distance.
Perth and Adelaide are two locations in the country of Australia. The distance between these two locations is 1,677 miles.
The flight distance between Perth airport and Melbourne airport is 2730 km, or 1697 miles.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Perth, Australia is: 4,903 miles / 7,891 km
The driving distance from Perth WA, Australia to Brisbane QLD, Australia is 4340km
Perth to Adelaide is 2695 Kilometres.
The flight distance from Perth, Australia to Seoul, South Korea is about 4,835 miles / 7,781 km
The flight distance from Perth, Australia to Adelaide, Australia is 1,329 miles / 2,138 km
22.2 miles
1325 miles