From Brisbane, Queensland to Junee, NSW by road is a distance of 1,228km. Driving time is around 15 hours.
From Dubbo to Bathurst by road, via Molong, is a distance of 204km, and takes just under three hours to travel.
Around 160kms or 2 hours.
370 mi or about 595km
The distance from Grafton, NSW to Dubbo is 650km. Travel time by road is almost eight and a half hours.
From the CBD in Melbourne, Victoria to Dubbo, NSW is a distance of 822 km, and takes about ten and a half hours to travel.
Dubbo is in New South Wales.
In central west NSW.
If one travels non-stop, it will take just over nine hours from Brisbane's CBD to Dubbo, NSW. The distance is 850 km.
east street dubbo nsw
Wagga Wagga or Dubbo?