The driving distance from the Texas state line to the Wisconsin state line is approximately 925 road miles - about 15 hours of driving time.
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Neenah, Wisconsin is 1,079 miles.
A flight from Wisconsin to Texas will be around 2 hours
There are about 1260 miles between Madison, Wisconsin and San Antonio, Texas.
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Wisconsin is approximately 1,100-1,200 miles, depending on the specific locations within Wisconsin. This journey typically takes around 17-20 hours of driving time.
The distance between Dallas, Texas and Pantego, Texas is about 25 miles.
It depends on your exact route, but the approximate driving distance by road from the Wisconsin state line to the Texas state line is 885 miles.
The distance between Florida and Texas is 868 miles,which is about 13 hours but it depends on where your coming from the distance above is from east texas
The air distance from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Dallas, Texas, is 857 miles. That equals 1,378 kilometers or 744 nautical miles.
what is the traveling distance between austin, texas and corpus christi, texas?
Dallas is a city in the state of Texas. So, technically, there is no distance between Dallas and Texas.
The distance between Cypress, Texas and Houston, Texas is approximately 30 miles.