what is the traveling distance between austin, texas and corpus christi, texas?
The driving distance from Austin, Texas to Biloxi, Mississippi is 579 miles.
The driving distance from Raleigh, North Carolina to Austin, Texas is 1,364 miles.
About 120 miles.
Check Mapquest.com
approximately 211 miles
There are about 278.619 miles between Gail, TX and Austin, TX.
164 miles
The shortest distance is 68 miles.
Depending on the route you take, the Dallas and Austin are between 181 and 199 miles apart and it'll take about 3.5 hours to drive between the two depending on traffic and holiday conditions.The flight distance 182 miles / 293 kmThe flight distance from Dallas, Texas to Austin, Texas is:182 miles / 293 kmAbout 200 miles.The distance between Dallas, Texas and Austin, Texas is 181 miles (291 km).The driving distance between Dallas, Texas and Austin, Texas is 195 mi - about 3 hours 10 mins.195 miles
From Arlington, TX to Austin, TX: about 279km (137mi).