The song "Full Fathom Five thy father lies" is sung by Ariel in the play The Tempest.
The duration of Full Fathom Five - film - is 1.37 hours.
The Tempest
Full Fathom Five - film - was created on 1990-09-07.
Full Fathom Five - 1990 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG
Full Fathom Five - 1990 was released on: USA: 7 September 1990
The cast of Full Fathom Five - 2007 includes: Katja Hill
The cast of Full Fathom Five - 1937 includes: John Gielgud
significance of ding dong in the full fathom five thy father lies
A fathom is a measure of depth, used to measure the depth of water. It is equal to six feet. The father lies fully five fathoms deep, at least thirty feet deep.
"Full Fathom Five" is a song from Shakespeare's play The Tempest which he wrote toward the end of his career, around 1611 or 1612.
A fathom is a length of six feet used to measure water depth.