about 100 miles
The distance below is the shortest road distance (calculated in ideal conditions). The actual distance may change depending on whether conditions and the route taken. The road distance between the above two places in miles is:90
The distance from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167 kilometers. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake.
As the Dead Sea is only 18 km wide at the widest point the maximum distance you can be from shore is 9 km
It is about 40 kilometers - 15 miles - from Jerusalem to the northern part of the Dead Sea.
110 miles
To Jordan in the Arab world because they have soo many amazing things like the Petra or the Dead Sea :)
The distance from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167 kilometers. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake.
79 miles
about 280 miles
about 440 miles