Longitudinal line are the "long" ones that pass though Earth's poles.
Latitudinal lines, "lat" sounds like "fat" and they go parallel to Earth's fat middle line the equator.
Longitude lines go up and downLatitude lines go round and roundOr remember LADDER (Lati) -tude lines are like the rungs of a ladder that you can climb; LONG-itude lines run long-wise from North to South
for longitude you could say long and latitude you could say horizontal
The difference between memorize and remember is that memorize occurs in real time whereas people remember what happened long ago.
Jagged lines have toothed/serated edges whereas diagonal lines can have any edge so long as they run diagonally,so it is possible to have a jagged diagonal line!
Long-distance, high-pressure "trunk lines"
Implicit and explicit determine what can be passed to a method. If a method is not declared as explicit the compiler will attempt to look for any implicit conversions from the type being passed to the type the method expects. for example, if the method expects a long and you pass in an unsigned char, the compiler will not complain because an unsigned char can be implicitly converted to a long without any loss of data. If you declare the method as explicit the data type that is used in the method declaration is the data type that needs to be passed to the method. If you want to pass a char *ptr to a method that expects a long you will have to cast the char *ptr to a long when calling the method. For example, foo((long)ptr);
Fore and aft carry
Fore and Aft carry
An ode is a long poem. A limerick is always 5 lines with a particular rhyming scheme (AABBA).
Remember that latitude lines are like the rungs of a ladder (lateral) and therefore go horizontally, while longitude lines are like the length of a line (long) and therefore go vertical.
The best method for applying backsplash grout sealer is to start by cleaning the grout lines thoroughly and allowing them to dry completely. Then, use a small brush or applicator to apply the sealer evenly along the grout lines, making sure to cover the entire surface. Allow the sealer to penetrate the grout for the recommended time before wiping off any excess. Repeat the process if necessary for complete coverage. This will help protect the grout lines and make them easier to maintain in the long run.