It's about 1,500 miles from Providence,RI to Key Largo,FL. 24 hours driving. 8 hours/day = 3 days.
The city of Atlanta, Georgia, is located approximately 8 hours driving distance north of Key West, Florida.
Max Surkont died October 8, 1986, in Largo, FL, USA.
8 hours. The total driving distance from Orlando, FL to Charlotte, NC is 524 mi. A road trip from Orlando, FL to Charlotte, NC would take about 8 hours 33 mins.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 33 minutes.
About 8 hours
The driving distance is about 544 miles, or 8 hours.
6 to 8 hours.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 9 minutes.
a little over 8 hours
It is 8 hours
About 8 & 1/2 hours by car.