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Q: What is 0000 hours and 2400 hours?
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Is there such a time as 2400 hours?

Yes, 2400 hours is equivalent to midnight, or 12:00 AM, on the 24-hour clock.

What time is 1200 AM in military time?

Usually, 2400 hours (some say 0000 hours).

What time is it in Iowa when its midnight in military time?

2400 hours. Military time isn't based on a single time zone, but utilises the same time zone in which operations are being conducted.AnswerMidnight is 0000 hours, NOT 2400 hours! And the US seems to be the only place where it's referred to as 'military time'.

Is 2400 hours am or pm?

2400 hours does not exist. Some outdated miltaries will say "2400" to represent midnight, but in reality it doesn't exist.After 2300 hours (11pm) it resets to 0000 hours, which is 12am.1300 = 1pm1400 = 2pm1500 = 3pm1600 = 4pm1700 = 5pm1800 = 6pm1900 = 7pm2000 = 8pm2100 = 9pm2200 = 10pm2300 = 11pm0000 = 12am

Is midnight on Friday March 30th 2400 hours 30 March or 0000 hours 30 March?

Midnight is always 00:00 and not 24:00.

What 24 hour time is 100 hours?

As the 24 hour clock goes from 0000 to 2400 then 100 hours is 1am.

Is there a such thing as 2400 timewise?

Nope, it goes from 2359 to 0000.

What is 2430hrs?

There is no such clock time - the 24 hour clock only goes from 0000 to 2400 hours. Thus it must mean two thousand four hundred and thirty hours.

What is 0000 hours in military time?

'0000' is NEVER used as military or civilian time. Becasue it can be used as '2400' , and to avoid confusion regarding the day/date. One the 24 hour clock , the earliest/latest times are 0001/2359 respetively.

how many hours are 2400 minutes?

2400 minutes is 40 hours.

2400 days equals how many hours?

1 day = 24 hours 2400 days = 2400 x 24 = 57600 hours

Does anyone in the world refer to 0000 midnight as 2400?

In the french 24-hour clock, you can technically say "Il est vingt-huit heures." (translation: it is 24 hours i.e. 2400) although people almost always say "Il est minuit." (translation: it is midnight).