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displacement is equal to the distance you traveled when the object is moving at shortest path

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Q: What does it mean about your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled?
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What does it mean about your trip if your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled?

If your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled on a trip, it means that you ended up at the same location you started from. This indicates that your overall movement was in a straight line with no change in direction.

What does displacement mean?

Moves it out of area

When a person drives for several hours how does the distance traveled in one hour usually compare with the distance traveled in other hours?

The distance travelled in any one hour is likely to be normally distributed with the mean equal to the mean distance travelled in the other hours and the standard error of this estimate will be the standard error of the distances travelled in the other hours.

What is an objects total distance traveled dived by the total time it traveled?

Assuming that by "objects" you mean object's, by "traveled" you mean travelled, and by "dived" you mean divided, the answer is average speed.

What does it mean about your trip if your displacement is equal to the distance you travel?

If your displacement is equal to the distance you travel, it means that you have travelled in a straight line from your starting point to your destination without changing direction. This indicates that there is no change in your overall position during the trip.

Displacement in physics?

Displacement in physics can have multiple meanings dependent on the situation. If you are talking about the universal equations of motion or anything moving then displacement means how far something has 'literally' traveled. It differs from distance because if you where to start somewhere and then run around in a circle you would end in the same place and so your distance traveled would be 0. This would make it hard to find out how much energy you have expended because you technically haven't moved anywhere if you only look at distance. This is where displacement comes in, regardless of where you finish your displacement will be the same whether you run a mile in a Circle and finish in the same place or run a mile in a straight line. Now if you are talking about fluids then displacement will mean the amount of water displaced by an object in a fluid. This can be used to calculate the upward thrust of the fluid on the object. Alternatively, you could simply say that displacement is the distance moved in a particular direction and that it is a vector quantity (gives us both magnitude and direction).

What does the formula d equals rt mean?

The formula d= rt means that the d(distance that is traveled) is equal to the r( rate of speed) multiplied by t(the time that it took to travel it)

What does speed mean in a scientific way?

speed is the distance traveled in a certain time :)

What is binary odometer?

An odometer is a device for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle. By binary we mean two.

Instantaneous speed at an instant is equal to magnitude of instantaneous velocity at that instant Why is it so?

Instantaneous velocity mean change of displacement in extremely small amount time. (in math way, taking[ lim t--->0 (change in displacements/change in time) ]. instantaneous speed is the same expect displacement change to distance. So,because of very very small change in time, magnitude of distance and displacement will be same for any direction the object is moving.

What does mpg mean?

mpg stands for 'miles per gallon' It is the distance traveled on each gallon of fuel.

What does 760 miles per hour mean?

It means a distance of 760 miles is traveled every hour.