Between 6 hours and 6 hours 45 minutes, depending on traffic
The distance between Cincinnati, OH, USA and Winnipeg, MB, Canada is 1,156 miles and will take about 18 Hours 13 Minutes of driving time.
6 hours away
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 6 hours and 54 minutes.
6 hours away
It takes me 6 hours, from Cincinnati.
Krystal's, in Cincinnati, OH currently has breakfast hours of 6:30am until 11:00am. You can eat lunch at this location after 11:00am.
Flights "across the pond" to US Eastern coastal cities usually take about 6 hours.
5-6 hours away
about 6 hours.
It is about 6 hours away by flight.
About 6-7 hours is what it takes me.