Distance from Vladivostok to San Francisco is 8,309 km.
To New York is 10,332 km. Both distances measured across the Pacific Ocean.
Therefore, San Francisco is closer.
The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Vladivostok International Airport is 6,425 miles.
new york and san fransisco
7000 pencils
A little over 2900 miles.
san fransisco giants and the new york mets
Yul Brynner was born in Vladivostok, Russia in 1920. He was an American film and stage actor, prominent in the film "The Ten Commandments". He died in New York City in 1985.
They moved from New York to San Francisco after the 1957 season.
Fransisco Rodriguez, picher on the New York Mets.
Rocky Mountains
closer to what?
No. Her wreck is 963 miles northeast.