Length of my room Width of my road Length of a swimming pool Height of Mt Everest (not that I would measure it!) Depth of the local lake.
You would use meters or feet to measure the depth of Lake Michigan.
in gallons or liters * Depth is distance so you would measure it in metres or feet. How to measure it? Use a piece of thin rope with a weight on it. Drop the weight over the side of a boat where you think the lake is the deepest. Mark the rope with a waterproof marking pen. Do this in several places. Then go back to dry land and measure the length of the rope that was in the water.
That depends a great deal on the size of the lake and what of the many aspects you would like to measure. Let's take Lake Michigan. I would measure the... width and length in miles surface area in square miles depth in feet volume in cubic miles retention time in years elevation in feet pollutants in parts per million
The maximum depth of Lesser Slave Lake in Alberta, Canada is 67 feet. The average depth of this lake is 37 feet and the length 62 miles.
0.281 km.
Yes, Lake Balaton, located in Hungary, is a freshwater lake. It is 48 miles in length, and has an average depth of 10 feet.
Seneca is the widest finger lake. It is 618 feet deep and 40 miles in length.
It depends on what you want to measure: You could want to know: the area, the depth, the volume of water, surface temperature, temperature at depth, salinity, pollution level, animal life, etc
typically, acresMy VersionI measure a lake in surface area, Square Miles in my case, and Ice thickness for safety. As you can see my measurement is for my uses.You may measure the amount of water, the depth of the water, The cleanliness of the water, the height of the lake above sea level or dozens of other ways depending on what you need to know.