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Q: How much time required for 2 km by walking?
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Can walking 5 km a day stop conceiving?

Only if you do your walking during the time routinely scheduled for your intimate relations. Otherwise, no.

How long to walk 300 meters?

it will be .3 km of walking which will be taking less time

How far can a person travel in 19 minutes walking at a speed of 5.0 km h?

5.0 km/h = 5.0 km/60min speed = distance/time distance = speed x time = 5.0km/60min x 19min = 1.6km

How long will it take to walk 8.1 km?

Without specifying a walking speed, it is impossible to convert a distance to a time.

How far can a person travel in 19 minutes if she is walking at a speed of 5.0 kmh?

In 19 minutes, someone walking at a speed of 5.0 km/h can travel 1.58 kilometers. This can be calculated by converting the speed to km/minute (5.0 km/h / 60 = 0.0833 km/min) and then multiplying by the time (0.0833 km/min * 19 min = 1.58 km).

How far is 5 km in walking miles?

Answer: 5 km = 3.10685 miles

How much time is 3000 km?

It depends on your speed.

How long would it take to drive 1 km?

Depends on the speed that your are driving or walking. Remember the following: Time = distance/speed

How much time is 125 km?

kilometers (km) are a measurement of length. Length cannot be measured by time unless there is an object moving.

How do I calculate walking at 5 km per h and 9 km per h jogging total of 8 km in one hour how far do I jog?

Let the walking time be t hrs then the jogging time is 1 - t hours. Distance walked = 5t (Velocity x time) Distance jogged = 9(1 - t) Total distance travelled = 8 km Therefore 8 = 5t + 9(1 - t) = 5t + 9 - 9t = -4t + 9. So, 4t = 9 - 8 = 1 : t = 1/4 If the walking time is 1/4 hr then the jogging time is 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 hr. Distance jogged = 9 x 3/4 = 6.75 km

How fast is 95 mph in km?

95 mph = 152.9 km PER HOUR. mph is a speed whereas km is a distance. What is required is km per hour (or some other unit if time).

What is walking equivalent to swimming?

hell no ! swiming compaired to running is like comparing sprinting to walking (in a way) walking 2 km's wouldn't be that hard at all but swimming 2 km's would be extreamly hard for the average person