The distance from London to the South Pole is approximately 14,000 kilometers (8,700 miles) when measured in a straight line. However, travel distance may vary depending on the route and mode of transportation.
Yes.The prime meridian connects the North Pole and the South Pole - passing through Greenwich, outside London, England.
It takes about 12,450.5 miles from the north pole to the south pole or south pole to north pole.
All Meridian lines pass from the North to South pole. The Prime Meridian specifically is 0 degrees longitude line and passes through Greenwich. England just outside of downtown London.
12,430 miles
it is 9'771.77 miles bettew london and the southpole. there is no commercial transit systems to anywhere on antarctica, so how long it takes you depends.
Lines of Longitude are vertical imaginary lines that run between the North Pole and the South Pole. The Prime Meridian is zero Longitude, and runs from the North Pole, through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London, England, to the South Pole.
In a straight line, it's 8,470 miles from Dallas to the South Pole.
The line of longitude, known as the Prime Meridian, is zero longitude. It passes from the North Pole to the South Pole, passing through the Royal Greenwich Observatory, London, England.
About 12,440 miles.
Every point on Earth at 66° south latitude is about 1,630 miles from the south pole.
Dallas, Texas is approximately 9,100 miles away from the South Pole.