Western Australia for example is 9 hours ahead of England (GMT)
The Timor Sea is between Western Australia and Timor.
It's either 6 hours or eight, WA being ahead. I forget which.
The total distance from Harrogate, England to Perth, Western Australia, is 9,051 miles, or 14,566 kilometres.
Western Australia is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +8 hours, ie. 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Munich is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hours, ie. 1 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Munich is 7 hours behind Western Australia. (Daylight savings not taken into account.) Western Australia is 6 hrs. ahead of Germany from March to October and 7 hrs. ahead the rest of the year.
The distance between Manchester and Brisbane is 10246 miles (16489 km).The distance between London and Perth is 8998 miles (14481 km). The distance between London and Sydney is 10562 miles (16997 km).The distance between Liverpool and Melbourne is 10575 miles (17019 km).
a very long tym
About 9000 miles.
The Northern Teritory and South Australia.
The Northern Territory is at the top of Australia between Western Australia and Queensland.
Because it is the western part of Australia