It is 323 miles from Enterprise Oregon to Portland Oregon.
There are 274 miles between Portland Oregon and Medford Oregon.
It is 18.1 miles (29.1 km) between Gresham, Oregon and Estacada, Oregon.
There are about 309.030 miles between Hermiston, Oregon and Grants Pass, Oregon.
Its about 376 miles
To drive there, it is about 339 miles long, but from Oregon city to brookings is actually 242 miles.
There are about 98.3 driving miles between Enterprise AL and Omaha GA.
There are 142 miles between Redmond Oregon and Portland Oregon.
The distance between Tigard, Oregon and Eugene, Oregon is 103 miles.
Lake Oswego Oregon is six miles from Oregon City, OR.
The distance is 132 miles from Corvallis, Oregon to Cannon Beach, Oregon.
About 18.3 miles according to MapQuest.