Measured in a straight line and expressed in kilometers, the number you want is 6134.82.
20,014 kilometers.
The latitude of Gibraltar is 36.1408° N. The latitude of the North Pole is 90° N; the latitude of the South Pole is 90° S. Gibraltar is 53.8592° from the North Pole, and 126.1408° from the South Pole.
In kilometers, the elevation of the South Pole above sea level is 2.8349448.
4940 kilometers...... (1 degree latitude is equal to 111 kilometers)
Measured in kilometers and in a straight line, the number you want is 5,180.48.
New Zealand is closer to the South Pole than Australia. The South Pole is about 4,500 kilometers from New Zealand and about 5,500 kilometers from Australia.
The distance between the north pole to the south pole is 20,014 kilometers.
Expressed in miles and in a straight line, the number you want is 3,812.
The distance between the South Pole and the North Pole, measured along the Earth's surface, is roughly 12,430 miles (20,000 kilometers) across the diameter of the Earth.
No, the distance around the equator is greater than the distance from the North Pole to the South Pole. The circumference of the Earth at the equator is roughly 40,075 kilometers, while the distance from the North Pole to the South Pole (along the meridian) is about 20,009 kilometers.
Measured in kilometers and in a straight line, the number you want is 9,052.56.
According to there are 8482 miles (13651 Kilometers) from Dallas Texas to the South Pole.