2 hours from 1130 pm to 130 am 14 hours from 1130 am to 130 am
There are 8 hours between 7pm and 3am.
12pm to 7pm is a span of 7 hours.
Three hours
3 hours.
Sunday 7PM to Monday 7PM, 24 hoursMonday 7PM to Tuesday 7PM, 24 hoursTuesday 7PM to Wednesday 7PM, 24 hoursWednesday 7PM to Thursday 7PM, 24 hoursTotal 96 hours5PM is 2 hours earlier than 7PM so subtract 2 hours, the answer is 94 hours
3 hours.
7 hours and 30 minutes.
7 hours and 30 minutes.
16 hours
6 hours
7 hours