The Driving distance from Charlotte NC to Charleston SC is about 3 hours and 40 minutes i.e 209 miles.
About 335 miles with five to six hours of travel time.
it would be take 13 hours (Approx) by road. if you take taxi for this travel then it would cost 2658$ (Approx).
about 15 hours
The drive from Charlotte, NC to Williamsburg, VA is approximately 5 hours.
About 6 Hours! :)
4 hours
12-13 hours
4 hours
Drive time from Charlotte to Hilton Head is slightly less than 4 hours.
There is a total of 8.14 hours of driving between Crystal River FL and Charlotte NC.
it is 2090 miles from Charlotte to Phoenix and it would take you about a day and 6 hours to get there
17 and 1/2 hours