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53.8 gallons

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Q: How many gallons of gas would it take for an 807 mile trip on a vehicle that gets 15 miles per gallon?
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How much would it cost at 2.50 a gallon to drive 515 miles if the vehicle gets 22 miles to a gallon?

515 miles divided by 22mpg is 23.4 gallons used. 23.4 gallons times 2.50 a gallon is 58.50.

What does 19 miles to the gallon mean?

19 miles to the gallon means, that if you have one gallon of gas in vehicle, you can travel 19 miles before you run out of gas.if you have 2 gallons, you would be able to tavel 38 miles

How many miles is 3.1 gallons of fuel in a 29 miles per gallon vehicle would there be?

3.1 times 29 = 89.9 miles can be run.

How to figure how many miles you would get from 7.18 gallons of gas?

First, find out how many miles per gallon your vehicle gets. Then, you multiply that by 7.18.

How much would it cost in gas at 4 a gallon drive a 1000 miles at 20 gallons a mile?

Please tell me you're not driving a vehicle that gets 20 gallons to the mile. That would use up 20,000 gallons and cost you 80,000 dollars. 20 miles to the gallon would use 50 gallons and cost 200 dollars.

How much gas should it take to drive 1200 miles if you get 10 miles per gallon?

A simple division problem should yield our answer: 1200 miles ÷ 10 miles/gallon = 120 gallons. Therefore to drive 1200 miles in a vehicle that consumes a gallon of gasoline every 10 miles would require 120 gallons of gas. (Which at approximately $3.50, would be very costly).

How much would it cost to drive 480 miles if you get 20 miles a gallon at 3.75 a gallon.?

480 miles @ 20 miles per gallon = 24 gallons needed 24 gallons @ $3.75 per gallon = $90

How many gallons of gas would It take for a 216 mile trip on a vehicle that gets 24 miles per gallon?

216 divided by 24 equals 9 gallons

How do i find out how many times will you have to fill up my tank going 352.30 miles with a 14 miles per gallon tank?

You need to know the capacity of your tank - which, in your case, would be in gallons and the fuel efficiency of your vehicle - which would be in miles per gallon. The capacity or volume of a tank cannot be measured in miles per gallon.

How do you figure how much gas it will take to drive 135 miles?

Divide your 135 miles by the miles per gallon (MPG) of the vehicle. So at 20 to the gallon you would need 7 gallons. At 35 to the gallon you would need 3 gallons. It all depends on your average MPG which is affected by wind, hilliness, average road speed, acceleration and braking etc etc.

Can a car travel for 7 hours on 21 gallons of fuel?

all depends on how many miles per gallon the vehicle can achieve. For example a vehicle travelling at 60 mph using 20 gallon of fuel would cover 420 miles in 7 hours

How many gallons are used when a car has been driven 18 miles?

It would depend on how many miles per gallon (MPG) the vehicle gets and if it is city miles or highway miles.