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Q: How many city blocks is a kilometer?
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What unit of measurement is closest to 5 blocks?

-- If you're talking about a child's alphabet blocks, then perhaps the'foot' is. -- If you're talking about city blocks, then maybe the 'kilometer' is.

How many blocks is 100 meters?

It completely depends on what sort of a city you're in, and what class level aprt of the city because in some places, four blocks may be a far cry shorter than a single kilometer, and in others (say in Maaschtricht in the Netherlands for example) in the rich section of the city, where properties are much larger, 4 blocks may easily be over a kilometer. Also,t ehre really is no set rules, but I would suggest that if it is less than a kilometer, sue meters, if it is over 1.5 kilometers, say kilometers.

How many blocks are in one kilometer?

If we define a block as 205 feet, there are 16 blocks in a kilometer. Smaller blocks, more of them. Larger blocks, fewer. In Manhattan, where there are 20 blocks to a mile, there are a little less than 12 and 1/2 blocks to a kilometer.

The length of titanic was how many city blocks long?

4 city blocks

How many blocks is a kilometer in minecraft?

A block is one cubic metre, one kilometre is 1,000 blocks long.

How many city blocks is 1500 feet?

How many blocks in 1600 ft

How many Miles are in 3 blocks?

Depends on the city. Blocks are not standardized.

How many city blocks in Manhattan?

Roughly 2,000 blocks are in Manhattan

How many blocks equal a mile in arlingtonTX?

in a normal city it is about 3.2 blocks for a mile

How many city blocks is 0.4miles?

City blocks are different sizes in almost every city. You MUST specify which city.For instance the city block size of Salt Lake, Utah will easily cover 12 city blocks of Carson City Nevada.

How many kilometer by land travel from davao city to butuan city?

286 km

What is the walking time from 77th Street to 57th Street in New York City?

It's about 1 mile (1.61 kilometers), so, assuming you walk at 4 miles an hour (6.44 kilometers per hour) it would theoretically take you about 15 minutes. But you have to keep stopping for traffic lights, so, in reality it would take about 20 to 25 minutes. In New York City, 17 to 20 street blocks equal a mile (or, 10.5 to 12.5 street blocks equal a kilometer), and 5 to 10 avenue blocks equal a mile (or, 3 to 6.5 avenue blocks equal a kilometer). The length of the avenue blocks varies by neighborhood. On the Upper East Side, it's more like 8 to 10 avenue blocks to a mile (5 to 6.5 to a kilometer), while on the Upper West Side it's more like 5 -- or even 4, in some places -- to a mile (3 or even 2.5 to a kilometer).