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Depends on which speed you're able to keep. A fit rider on good, flattish roads could make it in 30 minutes. An average rider on decent roads tould do it in one hour. Poor rider, poor conditions, it can take forever.

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Q: How long would it take for a 12 mile bike ride?
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How long would it take to ride a bike around the earth?

Assuming you could ride at a consistent speed of 10 mph and you don't stop, it would take approximately 8,760 hours or 365 days to ride around the Earth. This calculation does not account for factors like elevation changes, terrain, or rest stops.

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A long bike ride that is partially uphill be would be considered vigorous physical activity.

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erm 1 mile ?

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How long to ride a bike 10 miles?

It depends on how fast you can ride a bike!

How long for a 12 mile bike ride?

I presume you mean how long will it take for a 12 miles bike ride. It depends on how fast you can bike, if it's uphill or downhill. The average is between 8-13 mph for most people to bike on a 10-speed on the whole. By that measurement, it could take 50-90 minutes or so on the average.

Century ride bicycle?

A "century" in bike rides usually means a 100 mile ride (century =100).

What five eights of a 24 mile bike ride?

5/8 of 24 miles is 15 miles.

What supplies should you bring for a 10 mile bike ride?

Water and fruit, like apple or orange

Calories burnt on 50 mile bike ride?

depends a lot on the riding conditions. For me, on road, about 2400.

10 miles on a bike is how many running?

If you're comparing calorie count, look at time and intensity instead of miles. For me, a 10 mile ride would equal about a 4 mile run in time and effort.