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Q: How long does it take to receive a letter by special delivery?
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What happens if you don't sign for delivery of a certified letter?

Certified Mail is a special service started in 1955 by the US Postal Service that gives the sender proof of mailing and delivery. If the intended receiver does not sign the receipt of deliver, then he will not receive that letter. Any person can sign for the letter, so if the intended receiver is not at home, or not available to pick it up at the post office, someone else can do it for him, as long as they sign the reciept taking responsibility for the letter.

How long is special delivery for the burlesque boutique?

5 weeks

How long does it take for a special delivery letter from Hampton bays to arrive in new brittan ct?

First class mail is delivered in 3 to 5 days

How long does it take for a prisoner to receive a letter?

It can vary depending on the prison's policies and procedures, but typically, a prisoner can expect to receive a letter within 1-2 weeks of it being sent. Factors like mail screening and distribution schedules can also affect delivery time.

How long does it a letter come from England to northenireland recorded delivery?

2 days

How long does a letter take to get to the North Pole?

There is no postal delivery to the North Pole.

How long does it take for delivery of a letter from US to Colombia?

1 to 14 days or more

How long does it take to mail a letter from Washington DC to Texas?

Next day delivery

How long does a normal letter take to get from Melbourne to Canberra?

This should be just an overnight delivery.

How long does it take to receive a letter from nor cal to so cal (First Class Shipping)?

Letters and packages may have different delivery spans, but usually within three to five days for each sent first class.

How long does it take to receive your benefits once you receive the confirmation letter?

To receive benefits for disability, one has to wait for a confirmation letter via air mail. Upon receipt, wait for one week to receive the benefits.

How long to receive a letter from Moldova?

Max. 10days, around the world.