4 hours
First class mail takes 1-2 days from Carmel, CA (93922) to Fresno, CA (93720).
1-2 days usually if its in the same state
4 hours
First class mail takes 1-2 days from Carmel, CA (93922) to Fresno, CA (93720).
The distance between Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA, and Pismo Beach, CA, is 159 miles and will take approximately 2 Hours 44 Minutes of driving time.
Check your favorite Map site, and you may begin your Quest now.
How many miles is Santa Barbara, CA to Carmel, CA?
The address of the Carmel Heritage is: Po Box 701, Carmel, CA 93921-0701
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours and 10 minutes.