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England is IN Europe.

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Q: How long does it take to get to Canada from Europe on plane?
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A long few days probably not long by plane if you do take a plane fly air Canada

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it takes 8 hours to travel from Italy to Canada by plane.

How long will the plane ride take from Canada to Germany?

9-10 Hours

How long does it take to drive from Houston Texas to Vancouver Canada by plane?

planes fly.............

Does it take 24 hours on a plane to New Zealand?

Depends where you leave from......but it can take that long if you start off in Europe.

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How long is the flight from Edmonton Alberta Canada to Jamaica?

It should take you 7 hours by plane.

How long does it take to travel from Toronto Canada to Saint Lucia?

For a Flight on a plane is about 5 hours

How long does it take to get from Ottawa to Romania on a plane?

With Air Canada: 13 h 45 min.

How long does it take to fly from Georgia USA to Vancouver Canada?

Ah, about nine hours by plane.

How long would it take to travel across Canada by plane?

depends where you are going! it could be from an hour to about 9hours!

Can I take a cat from Iran to Canada by plane?

yes but you will have to put her in a cat box on the plane with you