it takes 340 miles
It is 282 miles according to Google Maps.
not very long
The driving distance from Ohio (OH) to Michigan (MI) is:283 miles / 455 km. The driving distance from Indiana (IN) to Michigan (MI) is:304 miles / 489 km.
The coordinates of Geneva, Ohio are 41.806417" N, 80.945981" W
5 and a half hours
John Cooper had a record of 2-10-1 against Michigan in his 13 seasons as head football coach at Ohio State: 1988: Michigan 34, Ohio State 31 1989: Michigan 28, Ohio State 18 1990: Michigan 16, Ohio State 13 1991: Michigan 31, Ohio State 3 1992: Michigan 13, Ohio State 13 1993: Michigan 28, Ohio State 0 1994: Ohio State 22, Michigan 6 1995: Michigan 23, Ohio State 21 1996: Michigan 13, Ohio State 9 1997: Michigan 20, Ohio State 14 1998: Ohio State 31, Michigan 16 1999: Michigan 24, Ohio State 17 2000: Michigan 38, Ohio State 26
It takes about 3 hours and 52 minutes.
4 hours
It would take about 3 hours and 41 minutes (215 miles) to drive from Port Huron, Michigan to Columbia Station, Ohio if you travel via I-94 West and I-80 East.
It takes roughly 1 hour to 1.5 hours.