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Q: How long does a liquid take to travel through your bloodstream?
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Can sound travel through a liquid?

Yes, it can propagate as long as there is a medium.

Can radiation travel through a liquid?

Yes, radiation can travel through a liquid. The extent to which it can penetrate the liquid depends on the type of radiation and the properties of the liquid. Some types of radiation, such as gamma rays, can penetrate through liquids more easily than others.

Which gases does sound travel through?

Sound can travel as long as there is something for it to travel through. This could be a gas (such as air), a liquid (such as water) or a solid (such as a metal). In outer space there is no air for the sound to travel though, so astronauts can not talk with each other unless they use a radio. Radio waves and light waves can travel through space, that is why we are able to receive light from the sun. Source:

How long does it take for an antibiotic to absorb into your bloodstream?

The time it takes for an antibiotic to absorb into the bloodstream depends on how it was administered. If it was taken orally, it usually takes about 20 minutes to enter the bloodstream. Through IV or injection it happens much sooner.

How long does it take something snorted through your nose to enter your bloodstream?

When a substance is snorted through the nose, it can enter the bloodstream within minutes due to the large number of blood vessels in the nasal cavity that facilitate rapid absorption. The mucous membranes in the nose allow for quick absorption of the substance into the bloodstream.

Does volume measure a liquid?

Yes, volume is a measurement that can be used to quantify the amount of liquid present in a container. It is typically measured in units such as liters or milliliters.

How do circulating hormones differ from paracrines and autocrines with reference to their target cells?

Circulating hormones are secreted into the bloodstream and can affect target cells in distant parts of the body, whereas paracrines act on nearby cells and autocrines act on the same cell that produced them. Hormones travel through the bloodstream to reach their target cells, while paracrines and autocrines act locally without being transported through the bloodstream.

How dolphin travel?

by swimming long distances through the ocean.

How long would it take to travel through the outer core?

It would be necessary to know at what speed you intend to travel through the outer core.

What organ system directs long-term changes in the activities of the other organ systems?

The endocrine system is responsible for regulating long-term changes in the activities of the other organ systems through the release of hormones. Hormones act as chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to target organs, where they help regulate various processes such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

Why can an endocrine gland be a great distance from its target tissue organ?

Endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream, allowing them to travel throughout the body to reach their target tissues and organs. This mechanism enables endocrine glands to influence multiple organs and physiological processes, even if they are located far apart.

How does energy travel during earthquakes?

There are three types of vibrations:- Primary waves, Secondary waves and long waves. Primary waves can move through solid and liquid. Secondary waves move through only solids and long waves can only move along the surface of the earth's crust.