Moncton, NB, Canada to Penobsquis, Cardwell, NB, Canada,The distance between the start point and the destination is 68.4km, (42.5 miles), and will take approximately 46 minutes of driving time.
241 km
About 177 kilometers.
Kentville NS to Moncton NB is approximatly 3 hrs and 50 mins by car. But if you take highway takes about an hour off your driving time.
Almost 200 miles exactly Campbellton, NB, Canada Moncton, NB, Canada 3 hours 47 mins 199.8 mi - NB-11 S
The driving distance from Toronto, ON, Canada to Moncton, NB, Canada is 1534km
sadly no :(
670 miles
Approximately 8; only 1 of which survived. The 7 men killed were: - John Stewart Hart (Sackville, NB) - Harry "Hammy" Hamilton (Moncton, NB) - Duncan A. Hewitt (Saint John, NB; First Canadian to lose his life in the Battle of Britain) - Kirkpatrick "Pat" Sclanders (Saint John, NB) - Alec Albert Gray Truman (Sackville, NB) - Robert Roy "Bob" Wilson (Moncton, NB) - Thomas Hartnett (Moncton, NB) *Information provided by Don McClure, Moncton International Airport Gallery
502 miles
about 300 miles
It will take about 22 hours with no traffic to drive from Moncton, NB, Canada to Myrtle Beach, SC, US. It's a driving distance of 1,363 miles.