The distance between the above places is 1907 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Beijing, China is: 1,307 miles / 2,104 km
The flight time from Nanjing, China to Tokyo, Japan is about 2 hours, 27 minutes.
There are approximately 1977.2 miles from China to Tokyo.
I believe it is approximately 1800 miles.
There are 5899.739 miles between Sudbury, Suffolk UK and Tokyo, Japan.
The distance between San Francisco and Tokyo is 5130 miles
It is approximately 2 hours from the city of Beijing to the Great Wall of China at Mentougou
Tokyo. It is in Japan.
It will be impossible to drive from HK to Tokyo due to the large amount of water that separates the two.
Tokyo is ON the sea... Look at a map.
It's about 466 miles (750 km).