It is 10.31 kilometres or 6.41 map, straight line or as the crow flies miles.
It is 7.2 road or driving miles according to Google Maps.
The straight-line distance between Boston, MA and Concord, MA is about 16 miles (26 km). The road distance is up to 24 miles (39 km).
31 min (19.6 mi) via MA-2 W
from Boston mass to Miami fl it is about 1,500 miles
They are located outside of Boston, MA. So they were located in the colony of Mass.
1 day nonstop
4 Hour drive by car..
The distance from Concord NH to Lebanon NH is 57 miles.
In Lexington and Concord. It wasn't a war, it was a small battle.
Boston is 70 mi. from Concord Time: Approx. 1 hour, 14 min.
how far is concord nc from salisbury nc