About 1900 miles
The distance from Eugene, Oregon to The Dalles, Oregon is approximately 150 miles when driving.
Ryan Tygh is 5' 10".
Tygh Simpson goes by Tiberius.
Tygh Runyan was born on June 13, 1976, in Vancouver.
"Tygh" is pronounced like "tie." It has a silent "gh" at the end.
The address of the Fort Dalles Museum is: 500 W 15Th St, The Dalles, OR 97058
The address of the Dalles-Wasco County Library is: 722 Court St, The Dalles, 97058 2270
Ryan Tygh was born on July 24, 1980, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The Dalles is a city in the state of Oregon.
The Dalles Bridge was created in 1953.