The driving distance from Ankara, Turkey to Moscow, Russia is 1,494.9 miles. The driving time is 34 hours. A nonstop flight would take about 2 hours.
Danube doesn't flow in Russia or Turkey.
All the time Russia wants go Mediterranean sea but Turkey don't admit it, Russia don't like Turks but Turks likes them.
Russia Turkey Georgia Azerbaijan & Kazakhstan are all Eurasian countries.
Russia and Turkey share parts of Europe and Asia. Russia spans across both continents while Turkey is located at the boundary between Europe and Asia.
There are 5. Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.
Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan are the only countries to span the two continents.
Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Georgia all have parts in Europe and Asia.
Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Turkey.
The answer to this question is Russia :D
Like Turkey, Russia has land in both Europe and Asia.
Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia