Four thousand two hundred ninety-three (4,293) is the air mileage from New York City, New York, to Rome, Italy. That equals 6,908 kilometers or 3,730 nautical miles.
It was at "Albany". Albany is the capital of New York, so the answer is Alban.
the dutch found albany new york
Albany is in New, York!!
Albany is the capital city in the State of New York.
100 miles from new york to albany
When it is 6pm in Italy, it is 12pm (noon) in New York City. Italy is 6 hours ahead of New York City during Standard Time.
It's about 4,200 miles, and a 10hr plane ride from the Newark/NYC area to Rome, Italy
Albany is in New York dumb dumbb. :pp
Albany is the capital of New York State.Albany is located on the Hudson River where it is joined by the Mohawk River in upstate New York.Albany is about 160 miles (250 km) upriver (north) from New York City.