About 3,350 miles in a straight line.
From the web site www.indo.com The distance between Denver, Colorado and Honolulu, Hawaii as the crow flies is 3347 miles (5387 km) (2909 nautical miles).
It is 1,072 miles according to Google Maps.
When the U.S. is on Standard Time, Hawaii (UTC-10) is 5 hours behind Detroit (UTC-5/UTC-4).When the U.S. is on Daylight Saving Time, Hawaii is 6 hours behind Detroit.In the U.S., Daylight Saving Time begins on the 2nd Sunday of March and ends on the 1st Sunday of November.So when it's 2 AM HAST in Hawaii, the time in Detroit is either 5 AM EST (during Standard Time) or 6 AM EDT (during Daylight Saving Time).
Hawaii and Denver
A whole lot of ocean.
Colorado Springs is 61 miles (98 kilometers) south of Denver, which is usually a 2-hour minimum car drive away. Colorado Springs is only 1 hour from Denver.
No he is from Denver Colorado, he moved to Hawaii in the early 90's.
Aurora borders Denver to the east.
Aurora borders Denver to the east.
Colorado Springs is 61 miles (98 kilometers) south of Denver, which is usually a 2-hour minimum car drive away. Colorado Springs is only 1 hour from Denver.
5151 Leetsdale Drive in Denver. Best wings in Denver by far!