295 KM
113.6 miles
Justin Akinsipe, Vilseck Germany
Why not put it into google directions....
380 km = 236 miles 3 hours 40 minutes
Vilseck, Germany has all 4 seasons. The spring consists of rain and cool nights/mornings. The summer is usually pretty hot, with the high reaching around 100*F or so. The fall is beautiful with the changing leaves and consists of more rain. The winter is usually gray clouds, dreary, very cold nights and snow accumulation.
IT IS HOT! well hot for Germany anyway. It is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. There is still snow but its going away. Its perfect for wearing a dress are flying kites.
The distance between Berlin, Germany, and London, England is 579.82 miles. This is about 10 hours by car.
508 miles
285 miles
Cannot drive from Germany to London.
I think Vilseck, 345 km