The driving distance from Austin, Texas to Washington, District of Columbia is:
1,523 miles / 2,451 kmThe distance between Austin , Tx and Washington District of Colombia is 1465 kilometers or 910 miles.
1,524 miles
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Austin, Texas is:23 hours, 26 minutes
To DC, 1500 miles. To Seattle, 2250 miles.
It is 1,408 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Washington DC to Garland TX is 1319 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 19 hours and 40 minutes.
Los Angeles. Montpelier (VT), Albany (NY), and Austin (TX) are state capitals, and Washington DC is the US capital.
air miles from Chicago Washington dc
It is 630 miles from Atlanta to Washington DC.
1318 miles
How far from where?
The exact flight time from Washington D.C. to Austin Tx is 3HRS 45 MINUTES 20 SEC.