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A rift valley is formed by the depression of a block of the earth's crust between two faults or groups of faults, of approximately parallel orientation.

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How do you use rift valley in a sentence?

I live in a rift valley! Before today, I was unaware that I am a Rift Valley Dude.

What are some examples of a rift valley?

narmada valley is an example of a rift valley

What is the difference between a rift valley and the Great rift valley?

The Great Rift Valley is one particular rift valley located in Africa. There are other rift valleys located in other parts of the world.

What is the Name of the Kenya rift valley tracking station?

The Great Rift Valley.....also can be called The Western Rift Valley

Where does a rift valley form?

A rift valley forms at a convergent boundary.

What are the characteristics of a rift valley?

Igneous. Crustal material is added in rift valleys by the addition of magma.

Is seafloor spreading in the rift valley or along outsides of ridge?

rift valley

When was Rift Valley Academy created?

Rift Valley Academy was created in 1906.

What is Rift Valley Province's population?

Rift Valley Province's population is 10,006,805.

Why are most rift valley lakes salty?

Most Rift Valley lakes are alkaline rather than salty due to their volcanic origin, which results in an accumulation of alkaline salts and minerals in the water. This high alkalinity makes the water unsuitable for certain organisms, leading to unique ecosystems with specialized flora and fauna. Additionally, the evaporation process in these lakes can also concentrate salts, further increasing their alkalinity.

How is the Great Rift valley unique?

the great rift valley is unique because is the longest rift in the world. The great rift valley was maded by plates in the Earth crust. I hope that this really helps!

Is narmada valley a rift valley?

No, the Narmada Valley in India is not a rift valley. It is formed by a fault line that runs along the Narmada River, resulting in a valley with distinct geological features. Rift valleys are formed by the stretching and pulling apart of the Earth's crust, which is not the case for the Narmada Valley.