To convert from miles (nautical) to miles (statute), multiply by 1.1516.12 nautical miles = 13.8192 miles Convet from Miles to Nautical miles
One statute (land) mile equates to ~0.87 air/nautical miles. So, multiply 'land' miles by 0.87 to get air/nautical miles:12.72 x 0.87 = ~11.06 air miles.
1 foot = 0.000164579 nautical miles.
Use this formula: nautical miles x 1.15077 = miles
138.7 nautical miles = 159.613109 miles
68 miles is 59.09 nautical miles.
Use this formula: km x 0.539956 = nautical miles.
(miles x 0.868976 = nautical miles)1500 x 0.868976 = 1,303.464 n.m.
1 nautical mile=1.15077945 miles
Nautical miles are used as a distance measurement both in the air and on the sea, but not so often on the ground. So if "air miles" refers to the statute miles that we use over land, then a nautical mile is about 15% longer. Therefore, to convert one to the other, multiply by 1.15. 1 nm = 1.15 miles 100 nm = 115 miles 20 nm = 23 miles and so on.
4500 iles
Seven statute (land) miles is equal to about 6.08 nautical miles.