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Q: How do people travel in Italy?
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How do people travel out of Italy?

Travel to and from Italy is most often by car, train, or plane. There are a number of passenger sea ports as well.

How do people travel to Italy?

They get onto cheese and then the cheese flies

Do Italian people go anywhere for Christmas?

Italian people sometimes travel to other countries to visit family on Christmas, but it is normal to spend Christmas at home in Italy. Many people travel to Italy to celebrate Christmas as well.

How Do People Travel In Lazio Italy?

People have similar transportation in Lazio Italy just like in other places. There are cars planes, as well as trains.

How do ideas from people in Italy travel around?

Through newspapers/internet I would imagine.

What city in northern Italy where people travel on boats through canal?

the city of Venice.

Where can I find a travel package to Italy?

I know people who were pleased with their trips using Gate 1 Travel (, and they offer trips to Europe, including Italy. They offer packages including airfare, lodging, and tours.

Which travel destinations are popular amongst German people?

Germans tend to travel to or near to the Mediterranean Sea, especially Italy, Croatia and islands such as Mallorca.

Why do people travel to Italy for Holiday?

Because in Italy we've Sea, monuments, museum and lot of very intersting thing to do and to visit. That's the maximum for a Tourist.

How could you travel to Italy from the UK?

You can travel by plane.

How do you travel to Italy?

Starting from?