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If you knew your latitude was 57 and your longitude was 47, then you could look on a map of the earth and see which line is latitude 57. You could then follow latitude line 57 until you see hit longitude line 47. This would give you the precise location of your whereabouts.

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Q: How do lines of latitude and longitude help people find locations on Earth?
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Why are latitude and longitude on earth?

To establish precise locations for any point on the earth's surface.

Why is it important that you have lines of longitude and latitude?

So you can find precise locations on the Earth's surface.

How latitude and longitude are used to find specific locations on earth?

Latitude and longitude are used to find the degrees horizontally and vertically around the earth, pin-pointing a location.

What is the longitude of pegasus?

The longitude of Pegasus is not applicable because longitude and latitude coordinates are used to locate places on Earth. Pegasus is a constellation in the night sky, so it does not have a specific longitude or latitude. It can be seen in the night sky from different locations on Earth depending on the time of year.

What is the importance of latitude and longitude?

Latitude and longitude are important for determining specific locations on Earth's surface. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the equator, while longitude measures the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. Together, they provide a precise way to pinpoint any place on the planet.

How do longitude and latitude divide the earth into two?

Longitude lines run north-south and divide the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, while latitude lines run east-west and divide the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The intersection of latitude and longitude lines creates a grid system that helps identify specific locations on Earth.

What is the latitude and longitude of the constellation Hydra?

The constellation Hydra does not have a specific latitude and longitude because constellations are celestial objects and do not have physical locations on Earth. They are patterns of stars as seen from Earth. The position of a constellation in the sky is measured in right ascension and declination, not latitude and longitude.

What is the latitude and longitude of the constellation Cygnus?

The constellation Cygnus is located at approximately 50 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude in the celestial sphere. However, as constellations are regions in the sky, they do not have a fixed latitude and longitude like locations on Earth.

What are sets of numbers that show where lines of longitude and latitude meet are called?

Sets of numbers that show where lines of latitude and longitude meet are called coordinates. Coordinates are used to specify exact locations on the Earth's surface.

Is California longitude or latitude?

Every point on Earth has both a longitude and a latitude. And if someone gives you a longitude and a latitude, you can use them to find exactly one point on Earth.

Who invented the longitude and latitude grid?

alberuni invented the longitude and latitude of earth.

Why do Planetary Geologists assign Longitude and Latitude lines on other planetary bodies besides earth?

For the same reasons they do so on earth. To pinpoint locations.