It locates a place through degrees
The longitude of Pegasus is not applicable because longitude and latitude coordinates are used to locate places on Earth. Pegasus is a constellation in the night sky, so it does not have a specific longitude or latitude. It can be seen in the night sky from different locations on Earth depending on the time of year.
Latitude and Longitude
They do not. The purpose of latitude and longitude is to give everyone an unambiguous way to describe any location on Earth, in a way that anybody else will be able to locate this same spot.
Latitude and longitude coordinates are used to locate places on the Earth's surface. Latitude measures distance north or south of the Equator, while longitude measures distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. This system allows for accurate and precise pinpointing of locations worldwide.
Imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects are called lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude run east and west around the Earth, while lines of longitude run north and south from pole to pole.
You may not need them to locate places on a map, but they sure do come inhandy when you need to locate places on the Earth. These numbers are theaddress of any point on Earth, and they work even if there's no sign hangingout in front of the place to tell you where it is.
They are used to locate a certain place on a map.
To locate any spot on the Earth's surface.
By Longitude, Latitude, minutes, seconds. Or use Google Earth.