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Q: Everyday worldwide over 500 million people travel on very short rides. what type of moving vehicle?
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What type of moving vehicle every day worldwide do over 500 million people travel on very short rides in?


What is the fine for not moving a vehicle for street sweeper cleaning?

The fine for not moving a vehicle for street sweeper cleaning varies depending on location. In Lakewood, California the fine for not moving your vehicle is $40.

In which situation can you be at rest and moving at the same time.?

One situation where you can be at rest and moving at the same time is when you are inside a moving vehicle. While you are stationary relative to the vehicle (at rest), you are moving relative to an observer outside the vehicle.

Why do you fall when you jump from a moving vehicle?

You fall when you jump from a moving vehicle because you get the moving vehicle speed and immediately you have your feet on a stable ground and you have either to stop all of sudden or to run at the vehicle speed (that is higher than your capacity) .

Can you sit in the tailgate of a pickup truck?

It depends on the situation. If the vehicle is not moving, you are allowed to sit on the tailgate. If the vehicle is moving, you are not allowed as it is a moving violation since passengers cannot ride on the exterior of any vehicle.

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How fast is a vehicle moving with a slow moving vehicle sign on it?

It is moving at a maximum legal speed of 25 mph. However, it could be going slower. Legally, even if the vehicle can exceed 25 mph, it is not supposed to.

Is a tint violation a moving violation in California?

No its not a moving violation. Moving violations are a kind of violation that you get when your vehicle is moving.

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle helps you judge it's?

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle helps you judge its

When does one feel the effects of velocity in a moving vehicle when it is moving uniformly or when its motion changes?

One feels the effects of velocity in a moving vehicle when its motion changes, such as when the vehicle accelerates, decelerates, or changes direction. When a vehicle is moving uniformly, there are no noticeable changes in speed or direction, so the effects of velocity are not as perceptible.

How do you disable a moving vehicle?

By calling the police and alerting them that there is an out-of-control vehicle on the road. Otherwise, you shouldn't try anything with a moving vehicle unless you are in it or have the necessary training to deal with such a situation.

Does Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle helps you judge its proximity?

Yes. when you look at the tires of a vehicle (we call "ground viewing") you can tell the speed and if the vehicle is moving toward you.