The driving distance from Holyhead to London is 288 road miles.
The shortest driving distance is 370 miles.
The shortest distance is 559 miles.
260 miles
The distance between Manchester, England and Holyhead, Wales is about 120 road miles or 193 km.
The distance between Holyhead UK and Swansea UK is about 170 road miles.
A ferry direct to Liverpool from Dublin will take between 7 and 8 hours. You can also get a ferry from Dublin to Holyhead in Wales and then drive from there, which could be a bit quicker. Ferries leave from D
The driving distance is about 231 road miles.
about 340 miles
140 miles
Darwen, Lancashire to Holyhead is 140 miles. It will take about 2 hours twenty minutes to drive.
170 miles or 272km