Will you answer the dam question
The flight distance from Belgium to Nottingham, United Kingdom is: 266 miles / 427 km
Delft is in the Netherlands and not in Belgium, eitherway Distance between Ghent, Belgium and Delft, the Netherlands is about 170km or a 105 miles
What is the distance between Ghent Belgium and Amsterdam Netherlands?" Answer: 220km
The distance between Ghent and Mol, when you drive with a car, is 113,52 kilometers
The flight distance from Belgium to Indonesia is: 7,608 miles / 12,244 km
The flight distance from Singapore to Belgium is: 6,574 miles / 10,579 km
The flight distance from Belgium to United Kingdom is: 335 miles / 539 km
The flight distance from Belgium to Hawaii (HI) is: 7,352 miles / 11,833 km
what is the distance between st. johns newfoundland and antwerp belgium
The flight distance from Belgium to Michigan (MI) is: 3,954 miles / 6,363 km
The flight distance from Belgium to Beijing, China is: 4,971 miles / 8,000 km