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There may be internal injuries, organs or spinal, which could be severely aggravated by any movement. If there is imminent danger to the patient, fire, building collapse etc. then you have no choice, move them out of harms way.

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Q: Why should you not move a injured person?
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Move an injured person only if what while giving CPR?

You should move a person during CPR only if the scene becomes unsafe.

An injured person should be moved if?

Move the injured person only if the scene becomes unsafe.

Move an injured person only if?

Move an injured person only if the scene becomes unsafe. Wait for the emergency personnel to evacuate the victim.

How do you move an injured person?

Very carefully

What should you when check a conscious person?

Ask questions, do not touch or move painful, injured areas of the body and get consent to give care.

You move an injured person only if?

If they are in immediate danger in the location they are in.

A person who will not or cannot move an injured joint could be suffering from what?

a person who will not or cannot move an injured joint could be suffering from sprain. Strain may only limit motion, but sprain is more serious

What first aid should be given to a person bitten by a crocodile?

first you should call the ambulance and then you should make sure the person tries not to move the injured person. Then you should use a gauze to stop any bleeding and keep putting pressure on it it'll the ambulance comes.

What are three ways to move a seriously injured person?

Call for emergency medical assistance immediately. If necessary, carefully stabilize the person's head and neck before moving. Use a stretcher, tarp, or a team lift technique to move the person to safety without causing further harm.

How do you move a victim that may have a head neck or back injury?

If your not a professional your not supposed to move a injured person because he or she could get severely injured or worse. But the best thing to do is put the person on a hard surface and keep their neck and back as straight as you can

Why shouldn't you move a person with a broken bone?

Moving the injured body part could make it worse, especially if the neck or back is injured.

How does pain help with injury and sickness?

Pain is a protective function. When injured, pain reminds a person not to move the injured part. When ill, pain (such as a severe headache) reminds a person to lie down.