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Winds in tornadoes are extremely fast. Strong tornadoes can produce winds in excess of 120 mph, which can cause major damage to most structures and produce flying debris that can cause damage on impact.

The very strongest of tornadoes produce winds in excess of 200 or even 300 mph. Man-made structures cannot withstand such winds.
Winds in tornadoes are extremely fast. Strong tornadoes can produce winds in excess of 120 mph, which can cause major damage to most structures and produce flying debris that can cause damage on impact.

The very strongest of tornadoes produce winds in excess of 200 or even 300 mph. Man-made structures cannot withstand such winds.

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Q: Why do tornadoes cause so much damage?
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How can you stop tornadoes cause so much damage?

you can't, that's impossble

What is the worldwide impact of tornadoes?

Globally, in a typical year, tornadoes will cause a few dozen deaths and maybe a billion or so dollars worth of damage. Much of the death and damage are in the United States, which has a combination of a large degree of wealth and a high incidence of violent tornadoes.

Why are hurricanes considered more damaging than tornadoes when tornadoes have stronger winds?

Hurricanes are considered more damaging than tornadoes because of their larger size, longer duration, and larger area of impact. While tornadoes may have stronger winds in a concentrated area, hurricanes have sustained high winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, and flooding that can cause widespread destruction over a much larger area. Additionally, hurricanes often have more predictable paths and warnings, allowing for better preparation and potentially reducing the overall impact.

How does tornadoes effect people and the environment?

Well tornadoes can cause little damage or great damage to someones home.(ex.) If someone lived on a farm, a tornado can damage there crops, and how would they grow crops when there is debris on there land. So really think about how it would effect you.

How much money does it cost to repair things after a tornado?

It varies widley. Some tornadoes cause no property damage and so there is no cost of repair. In many cases costs are in the tens of thousands to millions of dollars. In most destructive tornadoes costs have been in the billions.

Why does lava cause so much damage?

Its hot

What damage can an f5 tornado cause?

F5 tornadoes cause total devastation. Well constructed houses are wiped clean off their foundations and steel reinforced concrete structures are heavily damaged. In addtion, many F5 tornadoes are quite large, so major damage can cover entire neighborhoods.

What does more damage tornadoes or earthquakes?

The amount of damage caused by tornadoes and earthquakes can vary depending on factors such as intensity, duration, and location. Generally, earthquakes tend to cause more widespread and severe structural damage over a larger area, while tornadoes can produce more localized but intense damage in a concentrated path. Both natural disasters can be highly destructive and have the potential to cause significant harm to communities.

Can a hurricane cause more destruction than a tornado?

Yes. A hurricane affects a much larger area than a tornado and so will likely cause more damage overall. Tornado damage is generally more severe than hurricane damage, but it is limited to a small area. There have been far more hurricanes than tornadoes that have caused more than $1 billion in damage.

Why are tropical storms more destructive than tornadoes?

The damage from a tornado is generally more severe than that of a tropical storm or hurricane, but is limited to a much smaller area. Hurricanes and tropical storms can cause damage over enormous areas, so the total amount of damage done is greater.

Is an earthquake more severe than a tornado?

It depends as both earthquakes and tornadoes vary greatly in severity. Most earthquakes are so weak that the can't even be felt, only detected by sensitive instruments. Some tornado will cause little or no damage. However, the worst earthquakes are more destuctive than the worst tornadoes, as they can cause much more widespread damage.

Why are tornadoes so destructive?

The winds cause the damage. Both the updraft winds the rotational winds are very powerful. Strong enough to peel siding and uproot trees in weak tornadoes. In the strongest tornadoes winds may be well over 200 mph, capable of lifting entire houses from their foundations. When buildings are destroyed pieces of them get turned into high-speed projectiles that cause even more damage.