The National Weather Service issues a tornado warning when a tornado has been spotted on the ground or indicated by weather radar in your area. This is to alert residents to take immediate shelter and protect themselves from the approaching tornado.
No, if a tornado is spotted a tornado warning is issued .A tornado watch is not as bad as a tornado warning is. The watch just means that it is the type of weather that could POSSIBLY produce a tornado. It doesnt even mean that there is rotation or high winds. A warning is something to worry about though.
Partially. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or already has formed.
Sort of. A tornado warning means that either a tornado has already formed or may form very soon.
Severe thunderstorms have the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning.
No. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or has already been spotted.
"The tornado warning scared you." is active voice. "You were scared by the tornado warning." is passive voice.
Such a thing is impossible to predict. A tornado warning itself is a prediction that the threat of a tornado is imminent. As soon as signs indicate that a tornado warning is warranted, then one is issued. So there is no way of nowing when a tornado warning is going to be issued until it actually happens.
Tornado warning
A tornado warning is a higher level of alert, often meaning that a tornado has formed.
A tornado warning is an advisory that is issued when a tornado has either been spotted or detected or that a thunderstorm in the area is likely to produce a tornado soon.
When a tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or detected or if a thunderstorm may produce a tornado at any moment.