Risks that you are unable to deal with will not be able to be "handled" so there will be no workplace procedures for doing so.
If a risk/hazard is identified in the workplace and it is not dealt with, or reported to someone who can deal with it, then someone may be injured.
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You could always fire them.
Most construction companies can deal with construction and destruction. For example, a construction company hired to install new siding on a building will first remove all old siding and debris.
You don't - you leave it to the teachers and/or medical personnel.
As long as risks in the workplace are unreported or not adequately dealt with, they remain and may result in property damage, injury or death.
Both deal with acceptable behaviour in the workplace.
You need to take a seminar and learn from trained course professionals on how to deal with workplace harassment scenarios. Inquire schools for course programs and schedules.
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Ethics is important in the workplace for co workers to get along with little drama. It also helps a business run smoothly because HR is not having to deal with violations of ethics.
based on their previous projects' actual preliminaries